Advanced...Commercial / Industrial Janitorial...and...Property Maintenance is a first class janitorial & property maintenance company, backed by a strong management philosophy that’s dedicated to safe work practices, customer service & satisfaction, you’ll have peace of mind and our continous quality
The Management of Advanced are commited to providing & maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our staff and clients.
In demonstrating Management duties of care, we make every reasonable effort to provide a working environment that minimizes incidents of risk or personal injury, ill health or damage to property. This includes.
Providing employees with appropriate training.
Providing safe equiptment and systems of work.
Regular consultation on health and safety issues.
A safe working culture is the responsibility of everyone and this can be best achieved through co-operative efforts of employees. A safe culture will be reinforced through:
Continually identifying, assessing & controlling possible risks to health & safety of people that may arise in the workplace.
The provision of information concerning such risks & the promotion, instruction, training & supervision of employees to ensure safe work practices.
Giving employees & clients the opportunity to participate in health & safety decisions that effect them.
In the interests of maintaining safety. As a contractor our employees are required to observe & comply with all health & safety standards & rules. This includes all safety sinage or warnings, or instruction given by client whilst on there premises.